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For Yoga Studios
Specialist Marketing
Magnetic Marketing provides yoga studio owners with budget-friendly strategies and support.
You can choose to create your own success with our tools or work with me 1:1 as your dedicated marketing partner.
I've walked in your shoes. As a former yoga studio owner, I understand many of the challenges you face. Use my experience to help grow your business.
Effective Studio Marketing
Everything You Need for
Running a well-loved yoga studio like yours takes heart.
But marketing?
It can be confusing, overwhelming and expensive.
But what if attracting your ideal students could be simple, effective, and heart-centred?
Here's the good news: You don't have to go it alone. At Magnetic Marketing, I equip you with clear, simple, results-driven strategies that resonate with the hearts and minds of your ideal students.
Imagine a thriving studio, a full class schedule, a vibrant community, and more free time to focus on what you love!
Ready to leave marketing overwhelm behind and make your studio shine even brighter? Check out my Services + Solutions, or book a free consultation, and let’s chat about your vision over a cuppa.
Your Studio Marketing Specialist
Meet Gilly
Hello, I'm Gilly
I'm More than just a studio marketing specialist; I'm a fellow yogi who understands the unique challenges and heart behind running a yoga studio.
I've walked the walk – owning and operating three successful studios and a retail store.
That means I bring firsthand experience and expertise to the table. I can help you navigate marketing challenges with a solution-oriented mindset.
Let's craft a marketing strategy that attracts the right students who align perfectly with your studio's unique personality.

Make your studio magnetic subscription
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